
A site of reference for 立法信息, 国会的活动, 立法信息, also links to 国会ional 委员会, 国会议员, Federal Agencies and other information on the legislative process.

Library of 国会 (congress.政府测试版网站)
The Library of 国会 has launched the new database in September 2012 in beta form, with additional features expected soon. Currently available are bill text, 总结与现状, and profiles of 国会议员 with legislation they've sponsored or cosponsored. The site is also usable on smartphones and tablets.  THOMAS, which was launched in 1995, is expected to be available until sometime in 2013.

U.S. Senate
美国.S. 参议院的主页.  It includes links to 参议院 action, 委员会, 听证会, 票据加价, all official Senators’ websites, 等.

U.S. House of Representatives
美国.S. House of Representative’s home page.  It includes links to House action, 委员会, 听证会, 票据加价, all official House Members’ websites, 等.

The 审计质量中心 (CAQ) is an autonomous, 无党派, nonprofit group based in Washington, D.C.  The CAQ “is dedicated to enhancing investor confidence and public trust in the global capital markets.”  It is governed by a Board that comprises leaders from the public company auditing firms, the American Institute of CPAs and the investor and issuer communities, 并隶属于美国注册188bet亚洲真人体育下载.

政府审计质素 Center
The Center's primary purpose is to promote the importance of quality 政府al audits and the value of such audits to purchasers of 政府al audit services.

Employee Benefit Plan 审计 Quality Center
To help CPAs meet the challenges of performing quality audits in this unique and complex area, the 188bet亚洲真人体育下载 has established the Employee Benefit Plan 审计 Quality Center, a firm-based voluntary membership center for firms that audit employee benefit plans.

The 税 Center provides information on legislative and regulatory developments and on comments made by the 税 Division to represent 188bet亚洲真人体育下载 members’ tax interests and to improve the tax system.

This site “helps you keep tabs on the U.S. 国会. 这是独立的, 无党派 website” that allows users to set up “set up tracker” for particular bills and has links to 国会ional Members, 投票记录, 国会记录, 等.