
Seven tips to make your firm more attractive during the great resignation


Headlines are filled with news that droves of employees are considering a new job once the pandemic is over. 是什么导致了这种冲动? 对于一些, it is the desire to escape the burnout of their current roles for a more balanced work life and greater flexibility. 其他人则希望获得更好的薪酬和晋升机会. Some want to make a difference in a job that fulfils new priorities while others simply want to be recognized and appreciated for their hard work.

  • 54% are likely to quit if they are not afforded the flexibility they want – millennials two times as likely as baby boomers to quit

  • 35% say better compensation and benefits are the main reason they would consider leaving

  • 25%的人说工作与生活的平衡是他们找工作的原因

  • 51% worry their manager/supervisor doubts their productivity while working remotely - 44% say this has prompted them to start earlier or work later and 37% are skipping lunch breaks

  • 74% wish they received more recognition at work - 20% say feeling underappreciated is hindering their engagement at work


在大流行之前,倦怠是一个问题,现在它已经加剧. 百分之五十八(58%)的美国人.S. employees report burnout, up from forty-nine percent (49%) in the early days of the pandemic. 主要原因包括

  • 47%的工作量

  • 39%的人平衡工作和个人生活

  • 37%的人缺乏沟通、反馈和支持

  • 30%的时间压力和缺乏明确的预期

  • 28%的业绩预期

Are you clear on the level and causes of burnout that employees experience in your firm?


与其为潜在的离职而烦恼,不如采取积极主动的态度. 利用公司内部存在的机会. Despite the apparent willingness to move jobs for more flexible working arrangements, ninety-three percent (93%) say they plan to stay with their current employer for at least 12 months. 这个积极的消息并没有得到太多的报道. 给你的员工一个留下的理由. Use this time to strengthen or revamp areas in your practice that will entice your crew to stick around and reengage. 通过积极的行动来促进公司的招聘.

不知道从哪里开始? 这里有7个步骤让你开始:

  • 提供灵活的工作安排
    招募和留住人才, make sure that flexibility is a central element of your firm’s workplace. 十分之九的员工希望在工作时间和地点上有灵活性. On the average, employees expect to work between two and three days remotely after the pandemic. 明确团队的需求. 你的新员工和客户的需求也是如此. 了解什么时间是最好的联系,什么时候他们想要低头, 专注于重要项目. 将这些偏好融入到公司的日常工作中. 重要提示, employees are generally open to offer input but often feel their feedback is not acted upon. 因此,他们觉得自己不受重视. 要开始使用,请下载 私人公司实务组(pcp) 灵活的工作安排指南,仅供pps会员使用.

  • 检讨薪酬、福利和认可的做法
    Compensation and benefits ranked as the main reason many are considering new post-pandemic job opportunities. 确保你公司的薪酬是有竞争力的. 审查医疗保健和带薪休假(PTO)等福利. 使用 私人公司实务组(pcp) /188bet亚洲真人体育下载网址.com 国家地图调查 as a benchmarking tool to determine if you’re in line with other firms of your size. 不要止步于此. 认可对招聘和留住人才至关重要. Eighty percent (80%) say a strong recognition culture makes a company attractive to work for and eighty-five percent (85%) say when they receive recognition it motivates them to work harder.定期表彰是贵公司文化的一部分吗? Weave this important element of gratitude into your firm’s fabric by saying thank you for a job well done, telling stories of achievement in team meetings and hosting virtual celebrations. Do all you can to make your employees feel appreciated and rewarded for their contributions.

  • 谈论员工的兴趣和需求
    在大流行期间,许多人反思了他们的目标和优先事项. Now it is time for leaders to understand what this means to each member of their team. 进行一对一的对话并真正地倾听. 关注他们的目标,改变了什么,为什么改变. 讨论他们是否希望重新定位自己的角色, 如果可用, 以更好地配合他们当前的情况和目标. Then talk about any training and support that will help them adapt and thrive in this new environment. 考虑使用 私人公司实务组(pcp) 一对一会议议程,仅供pps会员使用, 帮助你计划和正确地执行你的谈话.

  • 重新聚焦企业文化
    面对大流行病给我们带来的一切, culture took a backseat in many firms as work from home became a necessity. Sixty-six percent (66%) say they would be more engaged at work if their employer improved company culture. 把注意力重新集中在这个中心区域. 从回顾你的实践中的文化支柱开始, 比如多样性, 公平与包容, 创新, 激情与团队精神. 标记需要更新的部分. Carefully consider the stories you tell your team to demonstrate success, 你聘用新员工的方式, the tone of your gatherings and the messages on your website and social media. Make sure they reflect your culture and showcase the firm’s positive energy. 了解更多关于推进公司多元化计划的信息 私人公司实务组(pcp) 多元化和包容性工具包.

  • 就期望和工作量提供清晰、定期的沟通
    当你的办公室计划新的日常工作时, talk with your employees about their role and your expectations of them going forward. Be conscious of what you ask employees to do and the timeframe for delivering it. 确保这些期望是现实的. 表现出你对他们的信任,让他们完成工作, 尤其是当他们在家工作的时候, 所以他们不会为了给你留下好印象而加班. Check-in with them regularly about how their job is going and where they are struggling. 根据需要讨论可能的救济策略. 也可以考虑在全公司范围内使用 私人公司实务组(pcp) 共享责任工作表,仅供pps会员使用, 将问责制纳入所有行动规划工作.

  • 鼓励休息
    职业倦怠率破纪录, it is essential for everyone to take time away from work to relax and unwind. Seven in ten workers say they are saving their PTO for travel once the country begins to reopen.11 帮助 them understand the value of this well-earned benefit and make them feel good about using it. For those who are not comfortable traveling now due to a resurgence of COVID cases or other personal reasons, 推荐“居家度假”.鼓励在家里或附近活动,比如徒步旅行, 水疗日, 参观一个新的艺术展览, 在自然保护区野餐, hosting a dinner for family and friends or participating in a favorite sports outing. 提醒员工远离工作,这样他们才能真正放松和 保护他们的心理健康.

  • 重新审视你的招聘计划
    Take a fresh look at your firm’s recruitment plan with new employee preferences in focus. Do your initiatives reflect the needs of the talent that you want to bring on board? 和那些刚加入公司的人谈谈,包括你的实习生. 弄清楚他们在工作场所寻找的是什么. 集思广益,改善你的公司和招聘. 找出故事与潜在的新员工分享, placement offices and groups such as Beta Alpha Psi so they can learn why your firm is a great place to work in this new and different world. 更新你的网站, social media and recruiting collateral for potential new talent to reflect your renewed spirit and culture.

Positive steps now can give your employees a good reason to stay during the great resignation and beyond. 不要等到为时已晚才开始.








