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9月. 2023年4月14日,上映 IR-2023-169,美国国税局暂停处理新的ERC索赔,以打击普遍发生的欺诈行为. 的se measures will help to protect small businesses and aim to stop fraud by promoters of ERC mills.

在这一集中,克里斯·埃斯波西托,主管-税收政策 & 宣传、协会 & CIMA,加入April Walker,188bet亚洲真人体育下载网址,CGMA,首席经理-税务实践 & 道德、协会 & CIMA, to discuss this important news development and break down the details of the announcement.


  • 公告要闻(1:24)

  • 如何查询所提交的索偿是否已获处理(3:53)

  • 最近提交的申索会在何时处理? (4:41)

  • 目前在审核过程中的索赔数量(5:45)

  • 客户谈话要点(6:22)

  • 可用资源(7:38)

  • 克丽丝最后的想法(9:07)


  • ERC的指导和资源-有资格获得这种可退还的工资税抵免的规则是复杂的. This AICPA resource library will help you understand both the retroactive 2020 credit and the 2021 credit.

  • 员工保留信用(ERC):事实或虚构? -使用本指南来教育自己和他人关于ERC的常见误解.

  • 员工保留信用决策树 — Download the ERC decision tree to help you with various decision points when working with clients to protect yourself/your firm from significant risk.


  • IR-2023-169 ——美国国税局9月11日新闻稿. 2023年1月14日,命令立即停止新的ERC索赔处理.

  • IRS ERC资源中心 - IRS ERC信息中心,包括指南、常见问题解答和最新消息的链接.

  • 员工保留信用资格检查表:帮助理解这个复杂的信用 — This IRS question-and-answer chart is used to help taxpayers figure out if they may be eligible for the credit. Use this chart if you are considering claiming the credit or have already submitted a claim to the IRS.


沃克:4月 Hello everyone and welcome to this special edition collaboration between the JofA podcast and the AICPA's 税务科奥德赛播客. 我是April Walker, 税务部门奥德赛播客的主持人, 我们在哪里为所有与税务相关的专业提供思想领导力.

今天我请来了克里斯·埃斯波西托. 她是美国注册188bet亚洲真人体育下载税务政策部门的主管 & 宣传团队. 我们在9月14日星期四录制这段视频.

你可能已经从美国国税局看到了一些关于员工保留信用的突发新闻. 我们想跳上来录音, 告诉你我们知道的信息, 让你知道我们的下一步是什么.

We've been really closely monitoring this evolving issue of third-party ERC promoters over the past couple of years. 我们一直在向财政部和国税局提出建议. We've also been providing resources throughout the whole time of ERC since its inception with the CARES Act in March of 2020 to assist tax practitioners as well as taxpayers.

今天,美国国税局宣布了支持小企业的最新举措. 克丽丝,我想也许你可以给我们介绍一下公告的要点.

克丽丝埃斯波西托: 确定. 我很乐意.

好吧, 由于ERC索赔的激增以及税务专业人士的担忧, 包括美国注册188bet亚洲真人体育下载, 以及第三方咄咄逼人的营销策略, 国税局今天宣布了一项多管齐下的措施来减少ERC欺诈.

他们立即暂停处理额外的索赔. 他们说,这种情况至少会持续到今年年底. 9月14日后th今天,我们将不再处理新的索赔.

的y will be further scrutinizing your ERC claims that they already have received and not processed yet. 的n they're also going to offer taxpayers an opportunity to withdraw claims that have not been paid out and that the taxpayer feels they may have done erroneously. 所以他们向纳税人提供这些.

的re have been about 600,000 new claims that the IRS has received, and are awaiting processing. , 600年,000, 这些人, they're going to have the opportunity to withdraw their claims if they feel that they have put them in erroneously.

But for 这些人 who have actually willfully filed fraudulent claims or if they conspired to file a fraudulent claim, withdrawing your claim is not going to exempt you from potential criminal investigation and prosecution.

但美国国税局实际上已经敲定了这个提款选项的细节. 我们还不知道所有的细节, 但是会有这样的选择, 只是国税局需要最后敲定细则.

的n they're also going to offer taxpayers a settlement process to come forward for claims that have already been processed, 但可能是错误的, 但是纳税人已经收到了资金. Again, IRS is working out some details and they're going to come out with that program soon as well.

沃克: 我想他们说的是秋天晚些时候,所以我们显然会密切关注.

退出的机会应该很快就会出现,非常快. 他们将在那里提供详细信息. 我将分享这一点以及和解过程.

当我看到这个并思考这个问题时,你可能会有同样的问题——“好吧. 我知道我刚帮我的客户申请了ERC的索赔. 可能在60万以内. 我如何知道申索是否已被处理?"

可能是因为他们一直在减速, they've been saying that for the last couple of months that they've been slowing down processes. 但我们最好的建议是,如果你在灰色地带,也许它已经被处理过了, 也许没有, the best advice we have is to call the IRS and ask [them the status] as you're walking through it with your clients on what your next steps are.

好的,克里斯,他们提供了什么关于时间的信息? 我们说过它们会变慢, 但是他们提供了什么时候你可以期待这些索赔被处理, 这600,000?

埃斯波西托: 的y did say the 600,000 that were recently received, they're going to be reviewed more intensely. 它们将被放在显微镜下. 他们(国税局)的目标是在90天内(处理)新的索赔. 我知道他们不是每次都能命中目标. 但他们现在的目标是180天.

因为他们认为60万人中的大多数人没有资格享受这项优惠. 他们真的会非常仔细地观察他们,而且要花更长的时间. 他们甚至可能会要求纳税人提供更多信息,所以现在情况将有所不同.

沃克: 但从与客户沟通的角度来看,这是件好事, 如果他们是提出索赔的团体的一部分. 在这个公告中, did the IRS say anything about how many claims are in the process of audit or anything around that topic?

埃斯波西托: 是的,他们一直在审计ERC,而且由于欺诈,他们一直在加强对ERC的审计. 他们确实说过,在审计过程中有成千上万的索赔. 他们还有数百起刑事案件正在审理. 他们肯定在审核ERC,如果这600个中的很多,000没有被撤回, 他们中的很多人也要通过审计.

沃克: 因为我们的听众正在努力吸收这个通知,并与他们的客户一起思考, 关于此公告, 让我们为他们讨论一些好的谈话要点.

埃斯波西托: You've wanted to throughout this process, have been in contact with your clients about the ERC. Whether it's because they qualified for the credit or they've been contacted by a third party provider, 试图影响他们申请贷款.

当你听到这个消息的时候, you want to remind your clients of your past discussions and assure them that you're available for them, 你可以帮助他们. 这种协助是否在对已处理的索赔进行审计时提供支持, or help with the decision to withdraw their claim or to participate in a settlement agreement once those details emerge.

如果他们有错误的索赔, 如果他们提交了一份尚未支付的ERC索赔,并且他们认为这是合法的, 你只是想让他们知道, “嘿, you're processing times could be a lot slower and it may take even more time for them to get the money."

沃克: Just definitely another good opportunity to remind them that you're here to help advise them every step of the way. 你就在这里,随时待命. 国税局还提供了其他资源吗?

埃斯波西托: 是的. 他们发布了一份决策树, 这给企业提供了一个非常广泛的概述,什么时候企业符合条件. 然后,他们也有与第三方提供商相关的危险信号. 如果你想通过这个决策树来弄清楚,“我真的有资格吗?——这就是资源存在的意义.

沃克: 我只是想强调一下, 我们在其他几集里也讨论过这些, 我们在市政厅讨论过. We've talked about our resources the AICPA have been putting together throughout these years of ERC. 我们实际上已经开放了,这被称为员工保留信用事实或虚构, 这是国税局的另一个很好的配套资源. 我不知道他们是否称它为决策树, 但它就像一棵决策树, 它在检查你的资格清单吗.

但我认为[ERC]事实或虚构是另一个很好的资源,你可以帮助客户, "Oh, 等一下. This is what they told me about how I qualify and there's this resource that tells me that I need to think again."

我们一定会把这些资源的链接放在节目说明中. 我们还有其他关于这个话题的播客,我们会把它们放在那里. 如果这是你想了解更多的东西,那就看看吧.

我们今天想简短地聊一聊, 但如果你想和我分享你的想法,我很乐意, 克丽丝, 在我们结束这一集的时候.

埃斯波西托: 好吧, 多年来,美国注册188bet亚洲真人体育下载一直在警告188bet亚洲真人体育下载网址和纳税人, 以及国税局和财政部这些不诚实的信用工厂, 试图利用伦理委员会和企业. 因为我们想要停止这一切或者暂停这一切. 我们感谢国税局通过这一公告发出的强烈信息, 这些不道德的信用推动者.

国税局今天发布的公告, it's made clear that meaningful relief is also going to be made available to small businesses that have been acting in good faith. 我认为这是来自国税局的重要信息. 我认为他们最近的公告做得很好.

沃克: Thank you so much, 克丽丝, for popping on here with me to record for this breaking news episode. 我们感谢你的专业知识. 这绝对不是你最后一次听到我们谈论这个问题. 随着我们了解的越来越多,我们一定会分享更多. 谢谢大家的聆听.

我是美国注册188bet亚洲真人体育下载税务部门的艾普莉·沃克. This community is your go-to source for technical guidance and resources designed specially for CPA tax practitioners like you in mind. 这是美国注册188bet亚洲真人体育下载的播客 & CIMA,即国际注册专业188bet亚洲真人体育下载. 你可以在收听播客的任何地方找到我们, 我们鼓励你跟随我们, 所以你不会错过任何一集. 你也可以在aicpa- ima找到我们.com/tax and check out our other Odyssey episodes and get access to all the resources mentioned, 在这一集里. 谢谢大家的聆听.

Keep your finger on the pulse of the dynamic and evolving tax landscape with insights from tax thought leaders in the AICPA 税 Section. 的 税务科奥德赛播客 包括税收发展,趋势问题和实践的摘要 management tips that you need to be aware of to elevate your professional development and your firm practices.

This resource is part of the robust tax resource library available from the AICPA 税 Section. 的 税务科是你的大本营 for staying up to date on the latest tax developments and providing the edge you need for upskilling your professional development. If you’re not already a member, consider joining this prestigious community of your tax peers. 你会得到免费的CPE, 获取丰富的技术内容,如我们的年度税务合规工具包, 每周会员通讯和税务顾问的数字订阅.








